Ruach Ha'Kodesh Crewneck Sweater - Heather Royal
Ruach Ha’Kodesh
The Ruach Ha’Kodesh crewneck is a modern and unique twist on traditional apparel that creates a bold conversation starter.
Ruach Ha’Kodesh means Holy Spirit in Hebrew. It is a warrior anointing in the Holy Spirit. Like King David in the Bible, you will never run out of ammunition when facing your giants or obstacles when this anointing is upon you. Ruach Ha'Kodesh is the anointing that empowers and releases us into our destiny and purpose that God has for us individually and collectively as a people and body of believers.
The Ruach Ha’Kodesh crewneck signifies the power of the Holy Spirit within us, which gives life to our spirit and subsequently, our bodies! When we open up to this Holy Spirit which resides in each of us, we allow it to minister healing and wholeness to all areas of who we are...consisting of; spirit, soul and body.
As the Ruach Ha'Kodesh blows over the world, dry bones begin to come to life and stand up. (Ezekiel 37)
“Do not cast me away from Your presence and do not take your Ruach HaKodesh from me.” – Psalm 51:11